I have a big weakness for cute baby clothes and thus always tend to have too much of these cute little outfits. And since this weakness would sooner or later throw me into financial ruin (unbelievable what one can spend on these mini-clothes), I had to think of something. Either drastically buy less clothes (sigh), or sell the used baby clothes as good as possible. Initially, sales were sluggish. But gradually discovered what works well and what does not. Meanwhile, I hardly spend any more on clothes today than I sell. Here are my best tips on how to resell your used baby clothes online for the best price. 1)…
Why second hand clothes for children is the better alternative
I think there is nothing sweeter in this world than children’s clothes. Every time I discover a new fantastic children’s shop, my pulse starts to race in excitement. These little mini things are incredibly cute and unfortunately often incredibly expensive. Seriously. There are T’shirts for toddlers that cost 45 euros. And I’m not talking about luxury like Burberry or anything. But nice wollen jumpers from organic brands also cost as much as 50 Euros. And then these wonderful things are often worn only a few times, because a) one has simply too many clothes anyway b) the little bellows just grow rapidly. For my part, I started buying about 70%…